Date | Location | Time (PT) | Presenter | Title | |
September 24, 2025 | GBSF 1005 | 10-11.30 | Olga Vitek, PhD, Northeastern University | tbd | |
March 19, 2025 | GBSF 1005 | 10-11.30 | John Newman, PhD, USDA, | Edible Oil Research: Health and Lipidomics- What have we learned? | |
February 19, 2025 | GBSF 1005 | 10-11.30 | Erica Forsberg, PhD, Bruker | “Bruker Metabolomics Technology Update: Novel instrumentation and software for comprehensive and quality focused metabolomics research.” | |
February 5, 2025 | GBSF 1005 | 10-11.30 | John Michael Elizarraras, Baylor College of Medicine | "WebGestalt 2024 Fast Enrichment Analysis with new support for Metabolomics and Multi-omics" | |
January 22, 2025 | GBSF in person/ zoom | 10- 11.30 | Dr. Ivana Blaženović, Adikai Insights | “AcquireX assisted MS/MS data acquisition outperforms DDA by ~70%” | |
December 11, 20224 | in person | 10-11 | Dr. MIngxun Wang, UC Riverside | Metabolomics at Repository Scales – Leveraging Mass Spectrometry Big Data to Illuminate Dark Matter | |
November 6, 2024 | online register | 10- 11
| Dr. Doug Worsnop,
| Targeted detection of highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOM) that condense into aerosol particles Mass-Based Methods for Metabolomics and Lipidomics Studies with Clinical Applications | |
September 18, 2024 | Online register | 10-11.30 | Dr. Catalina Cuparencu, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | “Metabolomics enables biomarker-based dietary assessment in nutrition research”. | |
May 15, 2024 | Online register | 10-11.30 | Dr. John A McLean, Vanderbilt University | Molecular phenomics in systems, synthetic, and chemical biology | |
Aprilb17, 2024 | Online register | 10-11.30 | Dr. Michael Witting, Helmholtz Institute Munich, Germany | The use of information orthogonal to MS in metabolite identification – The role of RT, CCS and Co | |
March 13, 2024 | Online | 10-11.30 | Dr. Kirsten Overdahl, NIH/ NIEHS | Metabolomics Research in the NIEHS Intramural Research Program | |
February 28, 2024 | Online | 10-11.30 | Dr. Francisco Tomás Barberán, CEBAS-CSIC, Murcia , Spain | Metabolomics and gut microbiota metabolism of food bioactives: effects on human health | |
January 10, 2024 | cancelled | 10-11.30 | Dr. Kirsten Overdahl, NIH/ NIEHS | Metabolomics Research in the NIEHS Intramural Research Program | |
December 8, 2023 | GBSF Auditorium (in person) | 10 - 11 | Dr. Paul Baker, SCIEX | Structural characterization of lipids and metabolites using electron-activated dissociation (EAD): From plasma analysis to improved quantitative measurements | |
November 1, 2023 | GBSF Auditorium (in person) | 10 - 11 | Dr. Tomas Cajka, Institute of Physiology CAS, Laboratory of Metabolomics, Laboratory of Translational Metabolism, Czech Republic | Advances in mass spectrometry-based metabolomics and lipidomics | |
October 11, 2023 | Online register | 10-11:30 | Dr Anja Karlstaedt, MD, Smidt Heart Institute Cedars-Sinai Medical Center | Metabolic crosstalk between cancer and the heart | |
September 13, 2023 | Online | 10-11:30 | Dr. Takahiro Takayama, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, Japan | Derivatized LC-MS techniques for metabolomics regarding dementia and others | |
September 8, 2023 | Online register | 9-13.30 | Dr. Dana Barr, Emory University
Dr. Jonathan Martin, Stockholm University Dr. Lauren Petrick, Mount Sinai Health System Dr. Antony Williams, EPA
Dr. Krystal Godri Pollitt, Yale
Dr. Dinesh Barupal, Mount Sinai Health System | Evaluating the impact of specific chemical exposures on health outcomes in human cohort studies Chemical Exposomics in Human Plasma Unraveling the Early-Life Metabolome: A Gateway to Epidemiological Insights Cheminformatics Support for Mass Spectrometry Supporting Exposomics at the US-EPA Exposure Biography: Using External Measures to Map Your Chemical Exposome Prioritized Chemical Spaces for Annotating HRMS Exposomics Data with Molecular Formulas | |
September 6, 2023 | GBSF Auditorium (in person) | 10-11.30 | Dr. Mike Lange, UC Berkley | Application of Untargeted Lipidomics and EpiLipidomics Workflows: Mechanistic Analysis of Intracellular Lipid Quality Control | |
May 17, 2023 | Hybrid register | 10-11:30 | Susan Bird, PhD, ThermoFisher | Metabolomics SQUAD goals: Orbitrap workflows to empower your research | |
April 28, 2023 | Online register | 10-11:30 | Matej Orešič, PhD, Örebro University,Sweden | Metabolome in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: pathways, metabolic models, and biomarkers" | |
March 8, 2023 | Hybrid register | 10-11:30 | Carolyn M. Slupsky, PhD, UC Davis | The impact of diet on the microbiome and metabolome | |
February 8, 2023 | Hybrid register | 10-11:30 | Maryam Goudarzi, PhD, MANA | Impact of fast food on gut microbiome and host metabolome | |
January 11, 2023 | Online register | 10-11:30 | Tao Huan, PhD, The University of British Columbia, Canada | Addressing Big Data Challenges in Mass Spectrometry-based Metabolomics | |
December 7, 2022 | Online register | 10-11:30 | Kelly Marie Hines, PhD, University of Georgia | Ion mobility-mass spectrometry for high-throughput omics analyses | |
November 2, 2022 | Online register | 10-11:30 | Evelyn Rampler, PhD, University of Vienna | New avenues in high-resolution mass spectrometry-based lipidomics and glycolipidomics analyses | |
October 5, 2022 | Online register | 10-11:30 | Ewy Mathe, PhD, NIH/NCATS | Enhancing our understanding of metabolomic and multi-omic data through Robust Data Analysis Frameworks | |
September 7, 2022 | Online register | 10-11:30 | Elizabeth Kathleen Neumann, PhD, UC Davis | Multimodal Mass Spectrometry Imaging Approaches for Probing Complex Biological Systems | |
June 15,2022 | Online register | 10-11:30 | Michelle L. Reyzer, PhD, Vanderbilt University | MALDI Imaging Mass Spectrometry for Small Molecule Analyses | |
May 11, 2022 | Online register | 10-11:30 | Jennifer S Brodbelt, PhD, The University of Texas at Austin | New Frontiers in Ultraviolet Photodissociation Mass Spectrometry for Lipidomics | |
April 27, 2022 | Online register | 10-11:30 | Frances Platt, PhD, FMedSci, FRS, University of Oxford | Understanding the complexity of metabolomics in the lysosomal disorders: insights from Niemann-Pick disease type C. | |
March 30, 2022 | Online register | 10-11:30 | Justin van der Hooft, PhD, Wageningen University, the Netherlands | Recent Advances in Mass Spectral Embedding and Network based Metabolomics Approaches that Enhance Natural Product Discovery | |
February 2, 2022 | Online register | 10-11:30 | Lorraine Brennan, PhD, University College Dublin, Ireland | Metabolomics: a powerful tool in human nutrition research | |
January 12, 2022 | Online register | 10-11:30 | Jianguo (Jeff) Xia, PhD, McGill University, Canada | From raw spectra to functional insights and multi-omics integration - a deep dive into MetaboAnalyst 5.0 | |
December 1, 2021 | Online register | 10-11:30 | Claire O' Donovan, PhD EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute, UK | The challenges of integration of Metabolomics with the wider Omics community | |
November 10, 2021 | Online register | 10-11:30 | Ling Hao, PhD, George Washington University | Understanding Neurodegeneration by Metabolomic and Proteomic Technologies | |
Ocotber 6, 2021 | Online register | 10-11:30 | Gabi Kastenmüller, PhD, Helmholtz Zentrum Munich, Germany | How can we put metabolomics results into biological context? | |
September 15, 2021 | Online register | 10-11:30 | Maria Fedorova, PhD University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus of TU Dresden, Germany | From identification to data integration: bioinformatics tools to support throughput and accuracy of lipidomics data processing | |
September 10, 2021 | Online register | 9:00 am - 2:15 pm | Baker (UNC), Schymanski (U Luxembourg), Dührkop (U Jena, Germany), Godzien (Med U Bialystok, Poland), Broeckling (UC Denver), Yang (NIST), Metz (PNNL) | 3rd MANA summer symposium: Novel analytical strategies for scoring confidence in compound identification | |
July 7, 2021 | Online register | 10-11:30 | Dr. Gina DeNicola, Moffitt Cancer Center | New insights into cysteine metabolic circuitries in lung cancer | |
June 10, 2021 | Online register | 10-11:30 | Dr. Maria Veiga da Cunha, PhD de Duve Institute, UCLouvain, Brussels, Belgium | A story of metabolite-repair in glycolysis:The failure to eliminate a phosphorylated glucose-analog strongly impairs glucose metabolism and explains neutropenia in two inborn errors of metabolism. | |
May 12, 2021 | Online register | 10-11:30 | Dr. Nadja Cech, UNC Greensboro | Metabolomics as a tool for Discovering Bioactive Constituents of Botanicals | |
April 14, 2021 | Online register | 10-11:30 | Dr. Valerie De Crecy-Lagard, University of Florida | Open questions in vitamin B6 synthesis, salvage and function in the model organism Escherichia coli K12 | |
March 10, 2021 | Online | 10-11:30 | Dr. Maria Zimmermann-Kogadeeva, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany | Integrating metabolomics and transcriptomics to explore host-microbiome interactions | |
February 10, 2021 | Online | 10-11:30 | Dr. Sophia Lunt, Michigan State University | Metabolic remodeling in breast cancer | |
January 13, 2021 | Online | 10-11:30 | Dr. Christine Des Rosiers, Université de Montréal | Peroxisomal lipid dyshomeostasis and low circulating plasmalogens unveil a monogenic form of mitochondrial disorder. | |
December 02, 2020 | Online | 10-11:30 | Dr. Laura Reed, U of Alabama | Gene-by-environment interactions of metabolic disease: leveraging metabolomics, evolutionary genetics, and Drosophila. | |
November 10, 2020 | Online | 10-11:30 | Dr. Charles Burant, U Michigan | Integrated omics of longevity and health benefits of cardiorespiratory fitness | |
October 07, 2020 | Online | 10-11:30 | Dr. Jon Sobus, EPA | Findings from EPA’s Non-Targeted Analysis Collaborative Trial (ENTACT) | |
September 30, 2020 | Online | 10-11:30 | Dr. Antony J. Wiiliams, EPA | US-EPA Chemicals Dashboard – an integrated data hub for environmental science | |
September 04, 2020 | Online | 9-3:30pm | Wishart (Edmonton), Kyle (PNNL), Amador-Noguez (Wisconsin), Hassoun (Tufts), Price (ISB20), Krumsiek (Cornell), Henry (Argonne) | 2nd MANA summer symposium: Biological and Computational | |
April 22, 2020 | Online | 11-12 | Dr Titus Brown, UC Davis | Software and data for all: How we are working with the NIH Common Fund to increase data reuse across a $1bn portfolio | |
March 11, 2020 | GBSF Auditorium (in person) | 10-11 | Dr. Sascha Nicklisch, UC Davis | Marine pollutants inhibit mammalian drug transporters: Impacts on chemical bioaccumulation | |
January 22, 2020 | GBSF Auditorium (in person) | 10-11 | Dr. Dean Tantillo, UC Davis | Quantum Chemistry for the Assignment of Organic Structures | |
December 04, 2019 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11 | Dr. Philipp Zerbe, UC Davis | Diversity and Function of Diterpenoid Metabolic Networks in Food and Biofuel Crops | |
September 04, 2019 | GBSF Auditorium | 9-5 | Grimme (Bonn), Djoumbou (Corteva), Stein (NIST), Renslow (PNNL),Wei (Google), Sumner (Missouri), Du (UNC), Dorrestein (UCSD), ZJ Zhu (CAS Shanghai), Grant (U Conn), Blazenovic (DiscernDX) | 1st MANA summer symposium: Quantum Chemistry and Computational Methods for Compound Identification | |
May 15, 2019 | GBSF Auditorium | 9:30-11 | Dr. Bruce Hammock, UC Davis | ||
May 02, 2019 | GBSF Auditorium | 12-1:30 | Dr. Warwick Dunn, U Birmingham, UK | Metabolomics, intelligent metabolite annotation and hypervitaminosis A | |
April 17,2019 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11:30 | Dr. Ryan Renslow, Pacific Northwest Natl.Lab | Using quantum chemistry, deep learning, and multi-property in silico libraries for compound ID | |
January 23, 2019 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11:30 | Dr Jarlei Fiamoncini, U de São Paulo | Dietary Challenges and Metabotypes Definition: metabolomics for personalized medicine | |
November 28, 2018 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11:30 | Dr. Emma Schymanski, U Luxembourg | Environmental Cheminformatics to Identify Unknown Chemicals and their Effects | |
October 17, 2018 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11:30 | Dr. Richard Bazinet, University of Toronto | Translation studies in polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism: Impossible, difficult and easy” | |
September 19, 2018 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11:30 | Dr. Ameer Taha, UC Davis | Impact of dietary fatty acids on brain neurophysiology | |
May 30, 2018 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11:30 | Dr. Carsten Denkert, Charite, Berlin/Germany | Clinical pathology and therapeutic concepts in immune-oncology - options for integration of metabolomics | |
May 02, 2018 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11:30 | Dr. Fabian Filipp, UC Merced | Epigenomic and transcriptional cooperation networks control metabolism in cancer | |
April 11, 2018 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11:30 | Dr. Cornelia Ulrich, Huntsman Cancer Ctr. UT | Metabolomic discoveries associated with colorectal cancer development and progression | |
March 01, 2018 | GBSF Rm 4202 | 10-11:30 | Dr. Roberto Berlinck, U de São Paulo | Alkaloid biogenetic precursors of the nudibranch Roboastra ernsti and of the sponge Arenosclera brasiliensis | |
February 21, 2018 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11:30 | Dr. Stephen Barnes, U Alabama at Birmingham | A journey from bile acid metabolism and biliary tract diseases to metabolomics | |
January 10, 2018 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11:30 | Dr. Richard Kibbey, Yale U | Perils, Principles and Practice of Measuring Metabolism with Mass Isotopomers for Diabetes Drug Discovery | |
October 11, 2017 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11:30 | Dr. Dejan Nikolic, U Illinois at Chicago | Structure Elucidation of Natural Products by Mass Spectrometry: a UIC Perspective | |
June 14, 2017 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11:30 | Dr. Josh Rabinowitz, U Princeton | co-invited by UCD Comprehensive Cancer Center: Metabolism Revisited: utility of metabolomics and flux analysis. | |
May 10, 2017 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11:30 | Dr. Karan Agrawal, UC Davis | Sweat and Sebum Lipid Mediator Profiling: Non-invasive approaches for cutaneous research | |
April 12, 2017 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11:30 | Dr. Rima Kaddurah-Daouk, Duke U | Pharmacometabolomics delineating genes responsible for drug response phenotyping in neurological diseases | |
March 22, 2017 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11:30 | Dr. Irwin Kurland, Albert Einstein College Medicine | co-invited by UCD Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Center: In vivo metabolic flux analysis with isotopic ratio and accurate mass GC/MS | |
March 01, 2017 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11:30 | Dr. Alla Karnovsky, U Michigan | Tools for network-based analysis and visualization of metabolomics data | |
January 25, 2017 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11:30 | Dr. Henri Brunengraber, Case Western Reserve University | co-invited by UCD Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Center: Metabolic pathology of propionic acidemia, investigated by associating metabolomics and stable isotopic techniques | |
December 14, 2016 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11:30 | Dr. Stephen Stein, NIST | Mass spectral libraries of everything | |
November 09, 2016 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11:30 | Dr. Hooman Allayee, USC | co-invited by UCD Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Center: Integrating metabolomics with genome-wide association studies to identify novel genes for cardiovascular disease | |
September 07, 2016 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11:30 | Dr. Susan Sumner, RTI | Metabolomics in maternal and child health | |
June 02, 2016 | GBSF Auditorium | 12-1:00 1-2:00 | Dr. Stephen Blanksby, Queensland U, Australia Dr. Brent W. Winston, | Topdown lipidomics: advances in mass spectrometry for the separation and identification of lipid isomers A metabolomics basis of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) endotypes | |
May 25, 2016 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11:00 | Dr. Mark Styczynski, Georgia Tech Univ. | Cancer stem cells and metabolites as anti-cancer agents: new applications of metabolomics | |
May 04, 2016 | GBSF Auditorium | 8:30-2:15 | 10 speakers from Agilent and WCMC / UC Davis | Workshop: Advancements in metabolomics software and technology | |
April 07, 2016 | GBSF Auditorium | 1-2.30pm | Dr. Charles Serhan, Harvard University | Structural Elucidation of Novel Chemical Mediators in Resolution of Inflammation and Infection | |
March 09, 2016 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11:00 | Dr. Thomas Metz, Pacific Northwest Natl.Lab | Differences in susceptibility to perturbation in the gut microbiota and metabolome in a genetically divergent mouse population | |
February 10, 2016 | GBSF Auditorium | 10- 11:00 | Dr. John A McLean, Vanderbilt University | Advanced structural mass spectrometry for high-dimensional metabolomics in systems, synthetic, and chemical biology | |
October 14, 2015 | GBSF Rm 4202 | 10-12:00 lunch served | Dr. Christie Hunter, SCIEX Dr. Baljit Ubhi, SCIEX | Multi-omics analysis through cloud computing: Combining quantitative proteomics and genomics for the study of primary cytotrophoblasts in pregnancy Understanding Complex Lipid Metabolism through Quantitative Lipidomics | |
Aug 26, 2015 | GBSF Auditorium | 9-10 | Dr. Art Edison, U Florida | Using stable isotopes to discern cellular metabolism | |
June 29- July 02, 2015 | San Francisco Burlingame: Hyatt Regency | 9 am - 6 pm | 21 oral sessions, 3 poster sessions, 5 keynotes, 12 workshops and more! | 11th annual Metabolomics Society conference hosted by the WCMC at UC Davis | |
May 06, 2015 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11 | Dr. Nichole Reisdorph, U Colorado, Denver | Metabolomics in translational respiratory disease research | |
April 15, 2015 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11
| Dr. Dan Raftery, Dr. William MB Edmands | Advanced metabolomics methods applied to study colon cancer Automated metabolomics workflow from sample preparation to biomarker identification | |
March 18, 2015 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11 | Dr. Steve Moore, NIH/NCI | Dietary biomarkers to uncover diet-disease relations in population cohort studies | |
February 11, 2015 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11 | Dr. Kathleen Giacomini, UC San Francisco, CA | The mebabolic impact of drug transporter activities | |
January 14, 2015 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11 | Dr. Mike La Frano, UC Davis | “Pilot & Feasibility projects Year 1 of the Newman lab: from DDT to diabetes, adipose/cancer interactions, and insulin resistance” | |
December 10, 2014 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11 | Dr. Kent Lloyd, UC Davis | The Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Center | |
November 12, 2014 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11 11-12 | Dr. Anthony Wexler, UCD Dr. Oliver Fiehn, UC Davis | 3D Molecular and Optical Imaging Perspectives for metabolomics: translational precision medicine | |
October 08, 2014 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11 | Dr. Ben Bowen, Lawrence-Berkeley National Lab | Bioimaging: advanced analysis of mass spectrometry imaging data using OpenMSI | |
September 10, 2014 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-12 | Dr. Teresa Fan Dr. Andrew Lane Univ. Kentucky, Lexington | Stable isotope-resolved metabolomics for bench-to-bedside translational research | |
June 12, 2014 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11
| Dr. John Kurhanewicz, Dr. Michael Evans | Metabolic fluxes using hyperpolarized 13C MR imaging in prostate cancer Molecular determinants of neuroendocrine prostate cancer: the switch from adenocarcinoma to neuroendocrine carcinoma | |
May 07, 2014 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11 | Dr. Dean Jones, Emory University, GA | Metabolomics to Sequence Human Exposures: The Exposome | |
April 16, 2014 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11 | Dr. Gary Patti, U Washington, MO | Translating Metabolomics to Cancer | |
March 12, 2014 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11 | Dr. Sean Adams, WHNRC, CA | Metabolic phenotypes of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes: lessons from metabolomics research | |
February 12, 2014 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11 | Dr. Peter Havel, UC Davis | Mechanisms involved in the effects of bariatric surgery on glucose/lipid metabolism and diabetes onset in humans and animal models | |
Jan. 17, 2014 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11 | Dr. Pieter Dorrestein, UC San Diego, CA | A GoogleMAP-type molecular view of microbes from culture to people This seminar is co-organized by the "Biological Networks" faculty emphasis group. | |
Dec. 11, 2013 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11 | Dr. Angela Zivkovic, UC Davis Dr. Tobias Kind, UC Davis | Individual Variation in Lipidomic Profiles of Healthy Subjects in Response to Omega-3 Fatty Acids Metabolite identifications with virtual MS/MS libraries | |
Nov. 13, 2013 | GBSF Auditorium | 10-11 | Dr. John P. Kane, UC San Francisco, CA | The impact of HDL lipid species on health and disease | |
Oct. 09, 2013 | GBSF Rm 4202 | 10-11 11-12 | Dr. Bruce German, UC Davis Dr. Mary Tanga, SRI | Metabolomics: from milk composition to function Metabolite Standard Synthesis Center at SRI International – What can we do for you? | |
Sept. 17, 2013 | CTSC Auditorium Sacramento | 8:15-9:15 | Dr. Frank Gonzalez NIH / NCI | Keynote lecture "Metabolomics, metagenomics and nucleic receptors: New insights into metabolic disease" | |
Sept. 11, 2013 | GBSF Rm 4202 | 10-11 | Dr. Daniel Nomura, UC Berkeley | Mapping Dysregulated Metabolic Pathways in Disease using Functional Proteomic and Metabolomic Platforms | |
Aug. 27, 2013 | GBSF Auditorium | 9-10 | Dr. Teresa Fan, Dr. Andrew Lane, U Louisville, KY | Stable isotope-resolved metabolomics for bench-to-bedside translational research | |
June 05, 2013 | GBSF Rm 4202 | 10-11 | Dr. Fei Li, NIH / NCI (Frank Gonzalez lab) | Deficiency in the bile salt export pump (BSEP) induces cholestasis coupled to impaired-fatty acid oxidation | |
May 08, 2013 | GBSF Rm 4202 | 10-11 11-12 | Dr. Trent Northen, LBNL Dr. Gertrud Schuster, UC Davis | Imaging metabolic dynamics in breast tumors Dietary docosahexaenoic acid but not eicosapentaenoic acid exacerbates eosinophilic pulmonary inflammation in a mouse model of asthma | |
April 10, 2013 | GBSF Rm 4202 | 10-11
| Dr. Nilesh Gaikwad, UC Davis
| Estrogen metabolism: Search for novel pathways and biomarkers of diseases How your gut tastes: nutrients, gut microbiota and metabolic disease | |
March 13, 2013 | GBSF Rm 4202 | 10-11 11-12 | Dr. John Newman, WHNRC
Yongdong Wang, Cerno Bioscience | Circulating lipids and lipid mediators as biomarkers of obesity-independent diabetes-associated pathologies Novel MS calibration and accurate elemental compositions | |
February 22, 2013 | GBSF Rm 4202 | 10:30- 11:30 | Dr. Hajo Schiewe, Metanomics Health, GER | (1) Biomarkers for diabetes type 2 and congestive heart failure (2) The MetaMap®Tox as a novel tool for safety assessment of pharmaceutical drugs | |
February 13, 2013 | GBSF Rm 4202 | 10-11 11-12 | Dr. Rebecca Baillie, PhysioPD at Rosa& Co. Dr. Carolyn Slupsky, UC Davis | Identifying metabolic pathways contributing to simvastatin-induced adverse events Infant feeding strategy affects gut microbial composition, immunity, and metabolism | |
January 16, 2013 | GBSF Rm 4202 | 10-12 | Dr. Carlito Lebrilla, UC Davis Dr. Tamil Selvan Anthonymuthu, BYU | Glycosylation is a common post-translational modification of proteins that is associated with health and diseases Shotgun lipidomics for asthma and obesity research | |
December 07, 2012 | GBSF Rm 4202 | 3-4 pm | Dr. Renu Nandakumar, U Nebraska-Lincoln | Metabolomic and proteomic technologies in biomedical research | |
December 04, 2012 | GBSF Rm 4202 | 4-5 pm | Dr. Helena Deus Natl. U Ireland, Galway | Escaping the sea of “big data” in biomedical research: building a knowledge continuum for Life Scientists with Linked Data and Semantic Web Solutions | |
November 16, 2012 | GBSF Rm 4202 | 3-5 pm | Dr. Connie Jen Ng, UCSF Dr. Alex Chassy, UC Davis | Protein PTMs: sulfation and glycations 13C-labeled LC-MS based fluxomics | |
November 09, 2012 | GBSF Rm 4202 | 3-5 pm | Dr. Hua Dong, Hammock laboratory, UC Davis | Metabolomics for new therapeutic target exploration in asthma | |
October 08, 2012 | GBSF Auditorium | 2-5 pm | Dr. Mike Snyder, Stanford Dr. Ronald Krauss, CHORI Dr. Ralph DeVere-White, UC Davis | Personalized medicine by metabolomics Metabolomic studies of responses to statins Metabolism and diet effects in cancer |